Monday, November 1, 2010

Blog 9: Hero (REVISED)

       How do we really know if some of the things we watch on TV are real? That was one of the many doubts that the movie “Hero” left me in my mind. We should be very careful choose very wisely when it come to Television programs and where we get our information’s from because some of them are suppose to tell us the truth and sometimes they aren’t really honest. Sometimes they just give us false rumors and tell us lies and tend to leave some good information out, because they might think that is better if we don’t know the real deal. The movie “Hero” directed by Stephen Frears get this major point across by letting whoever watch this movie that we shouldn’t trust in everything we see or hear on T.V, because sometimes the things they say aren’t 100% true.

       In the movie Bernie Laplante committed the heroic act by saving many of the people from a plane that crashed and it was about to bust in flames while he was on his way to pick up his son. After committing this act he left the crash scene really fast and he didn’t stood there long enough to get his recognition for saving some of this people’s lives. Bernie told his close friend John Bubber about what happened last night and how he saved many people from a plane crash. We then see all over the news that they’re searching for Bernie to give him a million dollars for being a hero. Bernie is sent to jail and isn’t able to go and get recognized as the hero and this is when John decides to still Bernie’s identity.

     John is believed to be the hero during the whole movie but he really is not the one. The news channels didn’t know about this until the end of the movie when they really find out that Bernie was the famous and mysterious man who they’ve being looking for best known as “The hero”. After finding this tout the news channels prefer to keep this as a secret between them. They never tell the people who are watching their news the truth because they don’t want to loose their viewers trust and they don’t want to look bad because they have a good reputation. They made this guy John Bubber to be recognized as a hero and many people loved him and they already gave him a million dollars because they think he was the one who saved the people from the plane crash. How bad will they look if they now tell their viewers they have been wrong all this time? Telling their viewers the truth will mean major disaster to the news company and they would loose most of their viewers and their rankings will go lower and lower, and they will loose a lot of money in this process. To them is better to hide the truth than to tell who the real hero is. That’s why Bernie tells his son at the end not to believe in everything he see on T.V.

      Next time you turn on you’re T.V just know that whatever they’re informing you about might not be an hundred percent real to you. The media is many times is hiding things away from us the viewers. They lie because they know that at the end of the day we’ll end up believing them and we believe In most of the things they inform us about because they’re known as to always telling us facts and not lies. The media is like a secret society like the NASA . Only them know the real side of the story and I don’t understand why they believe is good to just feed us false rumors sometimes and hide us from the truth.

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